Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to Install fitness products

How to Install fitness products

this is the link where you can understand how to install home fitness products ,

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Morning Mistakes That Successful People NEVER Make

Starting the day without warming up their body.
Have you ever seen a cat or dog get up after lying down? They typically stand up and stretch their bodies before jumping into action.
Our bodies also need warming up before they get going, and in fact, because of the sedentary nature of modern life, we need a lot more than the occasional quick stretch.
Start your day with some form of challenging physical exercise, whether its weight lifting, running or yoga and you’ll immediately start to see a massive increase in your energy levels and focus across the first half of the day.
2. Hitting the Snooze Button.
When you wake up to an alarm you have a choice to make, and this choice sets the tone for the rest of your day.
If you choose to the hit the snooze button, you’ll be missing out on a great opportunity to strengthen your willpower.
Successful people choose to get up when the alarm goes off every day. They know how important it is to hit the ground running, so they don’t entertain sleepy rationalizations about why they should stay in bed.
Try keeping your alarm far away enough that you have to stand up and walk to turn it off. That way you won’t be tempted to instinctively hit snooze and roll over.
3.Waking up next to their phone (or tablet or laptop).
Turning to your cell phone or tablet as soon you wake up is a terrible way to start the day.
What happens when we check emails or texts is that we immediately kick our thoughts into over-drive. That means you don’t get the adequate quiet time your brain needs to start the day effectively.
Add to this that electronics with LED screens give off what is known as blue light. This type of light tricks your brain in to thinking it is still daylight, which—when kept next to your bed—can make it harder to fall asleep and get the same amount of deep sleep every night. The general health risks of cell phones aren’t yet clear, though the World Health Organization has warned that usage may be linked to cancer—so keep it out of reach, or better yet in another room.
If you are going to set an alarm, it’s much better to do so on a watch or traditional alarm clock than with a smart phone. It’s easy to swipe your phone and then, in your sleepy state, get sucked into the vortex of email and social media.
4.Eating the wrong foods.
Do you start your day with coffee and toast? Or even worse, sugar-covered cereals?
Though these may seem like quick solutions to a rushed morning, they are not giving you the energy you need to take on the day. Both sugar and caffeine give you a quick boost of energy, but they’ll cause you to crash earlier in the day.
What you want is something that has slow-release carbohydrates, is high in fibre, and preferably has some protein. A bowl of oatmeal with some fresh fruit and nuts is a good example of a meal that ticks all the boxes.
5.Watch T.V. (Or YouTube)
Watching T.V should be a reward for a long day, not something you do instinctively when you wake up. Most people feel the need to watch the news first think in the morning to catch up with the world. But most news is rehashing’s of old stories and just leaves you either angry or a little confused.
“Anything important in the news will get to you within 24 hours.” – Anonymous
In fact, in our age of social media, this is probably more like 12 hours.
6. Leaving the House without a To Do List.
Ask any successful person you know and chances are they have a to-do list. They not only help get you focused, but they calm a lot of peripheral anxiety around the vague cloud of ‘what needs to be done.’
It’s as simple as writing down the one most important thing that needs to get done. Do so on paper rather than a computer, and make sure to carry the piece of paper round in your pocket all day.
7. Forgetting to practice gratitude
The scientific benefits of practicing gratitude are not to be overlooked. Research by psychologist Robert Emmons at UC Davis found that well-being and life satisfaction can significantly be increased by keeping a gratitude journal.
These habits are very commonplace for the majority of people. Take a concerted effort to make your morning free of these 7 mistakes, and you’ll start each day off with the momentum you need to guarantee success.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How To buy Ellipticalls , Buyre's guide

Buyer's guide by

An elliptical machine is one of the most popular types of in-home fitness equipment, and the benefits of owning one are significant. It is simple to use and delivers a workout that promotes cardiovascular health, strength training, and weight loss. Elliptical machines are also commonly referred to as "elliptical trainers" or "ellipticals".
An elliptical is one in a family of cardiovascular machines that includes treadmillsexercise bikesstair steppers, and rowing machines. The elliptical is classified as a cross - trainer since it works both the lower and upper body at the same time. The lower body exercise comes from working pedals with the feet. The upper body gets its workout from the machine’s arms that are moved back and forth like cross country ski pole

Must Haves

Adjustable incline. This is a feature that makes this product a true cross-trainer. Adjusting the incline varies the focus on muscle groups and provides a great way to add variety to the routine. It’s a feature worth finding since that added variety can reduce boredom, enhance motivation, and keep you from reaching an exercise plateau.
Smooth elliptical motion. The elliptical motion provides the closest simulation to walking and running available without the impact. An important factor to look for here is the feel of the motion. Some machines have a "kick" in their motion where the heel comes up off of the platform. You don't want to feel any "kick" or "bounce" in your motion. Find a machine that provides a true elliptical movement pattern for both forward and backward directions.
Natural movement. How does the movement "feel?" This is a critical question to ask when trying an elliptical. Does the product feel smooth? You can only determine this by trying several types. Spend at least 20 minutes exercising on a unit. You should not feel unusual stress on your knees or hips. Also when using the unit, you should be able to exercise in a neutral position without reaching for the handrails or bending over.
Dependent upper body motion. Some machines have upper body levers to add an upper body workout element. If you are not strength training, having upper body movement can help accomplish some upper-body strengthening. Keep in mind that if you are testing an upper and lower body elliptical trainer, make sure that both motions are comfortable and intuitive. You should not have to lean to complete the range of motion or otherwise compromise your position. Test different machines to find what is most comfortable for you.
Adjustable resistance. Good units will have a broad range of resistance that is adjusted electronically. Look for a system that makes resistance changes simple and intuitive so that interval training sessions can be easily incorporated into your routine.
Forward and reverse motions. The ability to move in a forward or reverse motion adds variety and challenge to the workout. This also greatly reduces the risk of repetitive use injuries common with some treadmill and stair climber users. Most ellipticals have this option.
Quiet operation. Look (and listen) for a product that feels smooth and is quiet in operation. A truly well designed elliptical trainer should be relatively silent at all intensity levels.
Electronic features. Many ellipticals have a spectrum of features to lure buyers ranging from fans and interactivity, to displaying calories burned. Consider what is important to you and how you will use it. The key is to look for electronic features that are both motivating and challenging to YOU. Look for an electronic package that will grow with you as you progress and one that will accommodate the needs of multiple users.
Heart Rate interactivity. Measuring your heart rate (HR) is the surest indicator of progress and intensity. Everyone has a target heart rate range which they should work within. Too high and you risk injury. Too low and you won't reach your goals. The best ellipticals have heart rate control programs that will actually adjust your workout variables while measuring your heart rate to make sure that you stay within this range. You simply enter the desired heart rate and the machine will respond accordingly throughout the workout.
Pre-set and custom programs. One of the biggest reasons people quit a program is boredom. Having a product that provides a myriad of programs will help keep a program fresh and full of variety. The ability to customize a program for your specific needs is also a great feature. Look for some research behind the programs.

Health Benefits

The elliptical machine promotes cardiovascular health. This translates into energy needed to perform jobs like shoveling snow and mowing the lawn. An elliptical workout increases the heart rate, has no negative joint impact, burns calories, and works muscles in the legs, arms, back, chest, and shoulders all at once. Because the elliptical works muscles simultaneously, this results in shorter workout times.
In many ways the elliptical provides a better workout for the legs than walking or running. The feet remain supported on foot pedals instead of pounding against a hard surface like pavement. The end result is exercise for leg muscles without exerting pressure on the joints and back.

Easy to Use

Operating an elliptical machine does not require any special training or practice. Since the machine orchestrates the movements, no special coordination is required to operate the pedals and arms. Most ellipticals have controls that are easily adjustable. Primary among these are resistance switches that adjust the intensity of a workout. Some machines include pre-set programs that are based on time elapsed or calories burned.


Commercial elliptical trainers like the ones seen in fitness centers and gyms are fitted with lots of bells and whistles. As a result, they are large, heavy, and expensive. Luckily, there are smaller elliptical models designed for home use, including those that fold for easy storage under the bed or in the closet

diet Plans for the Fit Life

Nutrient-dense, low calorie foods are the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. Your goal for the next 2 weeks is to choose foods that have the highest nutritional value. This means choosing foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Try to aim for a balanced diet that includes whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins at every meal.
Whole foods are the best form of nutrition. The term "whole foods” refers literally to food in its whole form, with minimal processing to keep it as close to its original form as possible. For example, visualize a whole apple and compare this to a glass of apple juice. The juice on its own does not contain the skin, seeds or fleshy center. However, the whole apple offers all the goodness of the entire fruit and consequently offers greater health properties. This example applies to most all foods, so choosing "whole foods” over processed foods means you get the richest supply of nutrients possible.
Color is important! Antioxidants called "polyphenols” are responsible for the brightly colored pigments (vibrant reds, greens, blues and purples) of many fruits and vegetables. By keeping your food choices colorful, not only do you get a gorgeous looking meal, but you’ll also benefit from the positive health impact these colorful foods provide.
Always eat breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After fasting for 8 hours through the night, the body relies on sustenance in the morning for physical and mental energy and focus. Ideally you should eat breakfast within an hour of waking to stimulate metabolism. If you are not accustomed to eating food this early in the day, try (at least for the next 2-weeks) to eat a very light but nutritious breakfast to help you get going in the morning.
Lunch should be the biggest meal of the day. This is when your digestive enzymes are maximized and your body is primed to break down and absorb food nutrients. Having your largest meal in the middle of the day provides your body with the calories that it needs to stay active.
Dinner should always be light and early. Try to finish your evening meal before 7pm or at least two hours before going to bed. It is important to give your digestive system a rest during the night-time and to allow your body to repair, regenerate and detoxify. In order for your metabolism to function at its most efficient, it relies on this nightly restorative process to keep your body operating at optimum levels.
Snacking is allowed during the 2-week bootcamp. Eating a small snack in between lunch and dinner can help to maintain balanced blood sugar levels and to restrict overeating.
The following meal plan provides 1250 calories per day. This diet is scientifically designed for healthy weight loss over the course of 2-weeks. Below is an overview of the basic dietary guidelines, outlining the daily amount of food that is allowed from each food group. You can mix and match food items throughout the day (being careful not to exceed your caloric goal) or you can simply follow one of three pre-designed menus below.
Dietary Guidelines
Fruit: 1 cup (1 cup is equivalent to: 1 cup of fresh/frozen/canned fruits, 1 cup fruit juices, ½ cup dried fruits)(Healthy options include: apples, pears, mangoes, grapes, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, pomegranates)
Vegetables: 1.5 cups (½ cup is equivalent to: ½ cup of raw/cooked/frozen/canned veggies, ½ cup vegetable juice, 1 cup of leafy greens)(Vary your choices to include: dark green veggies, orange veggies, starchy veggies, dry beans and peas)
Grains: 4 ounces (1 ounce is equivalent to: 1 cup of cereal flakes, 1 slice bread, 1 small muffin, ½ cup cooked rice, 1 ounce dry pasta)(Choose whole grains whenever possible)
Meats and Beans: 3 ounces (1 ounce is equivalent to: 1 ounce lean meat/poultry/fish, 1 egg, ¼ cup cooked beans, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, ½ ounce nuts/seeds (almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds))
Milk: 2 cups (1 cup is equivalent to: 1 cup milk/yogurt/soy milk, 1½ ounces of cheese)(Choose low-fat or non-fat options whenever possible)
Oils: 4 teaspoons (1 teaspoon is equivalent to: 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (olive oil is preferred), 1 teaspoon low- fat mayo, 2 teaspoons light salad dressing)
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
½ cup oatmeal
1 cup yogurt
black coffee or herbal tea

Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 slice whole wheat bread (cut in half)
2 ounces tuna (in water only)
Tomato, cucumber, lettuce (equivalent to ¾ cup total)
1 teaspoon mayo + 1 teaspoon olive oil

Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 cup of fresh fruit or 1 piece of fruit (apple, pear, plum, peach, etc)

Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
1 corn tortilla
½ cup black beans
½ cup salsa
1 ½ ounces cheese
½ cup shredded lettuce
½ cup cooked rice
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
Smoothie (blend together 1 cup berries + 1 cup soymilk and ice cubes)
1 slice of toast
1 teaspoon of butter
Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 cup cooked grain (such as white rice, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, millet, etc)
¾ cup vegetables (such as steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc)
2 ounces of lean meat (roughly the size of ½ deck of playing cards)
Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 egg or ½ ounce of nuts/seeds
Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
1½ cups of leafy greens (salad mix or steamed kale)
2 teaspoons light dressing
1½ ounces of cheese
Breakfast (8am – 9am)
1 cup high fiber cereal
½ cup milk/soy milk
1 banana
Lunch (11am – 1pm)
1 cup pasta
½ cup vegetables or ½ cup pasta sauce
2 teaspoons of olive oil
2 ounces of lean meat
Snack (3pm – 4pm)
1 cup raw carrot sticks/celery/green peppers
Dinner (5pm – 7pm)
6 crackers
1 cup low-fat cottage-cheese
½ ounce mixed nuts

Golf Fitness Training Programs

Golf Fitness Training Programs

Our FREE golf exercises below should help you to build strength and muscle to cope with this expolsive force : Plyometric training will enable the golfer to increase both driving distance and accuracy, combined with a reduction in injury. Due to the physical capabilities of most golfers, care should be taken to work at your own fitness level, as plyometrics will place maximal demands upon your muscles - aim to get yourself in shape prior to over exerting yourself. Rotational strength from core abdominal work, combined with a small amount of leg and upper body exercises, should ideally be performed once a week, however at least two days rest should be had before playing any game. Suitable Exercise's For Your Abdominals seated twist MB GOLF SWING  

Gym Setup Services

Sportsindeed offers a wide range of High Quality Fitness Equipment that meets clients both health and fitness needs. We are, a known name among manufactures of quality and well designed home and Commercial Gym Equipments. High level of Gym / Fitness Equipments makes us ahead of others thus our imported exercise equipments have been embraced by a number of individuals and health clubs.

Sportsindeed Advantages:

  • We are the largest commercial fitness equipment suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers.
  • We offer complete line of imported commercial fitness equipment lines so you don’t have to negotiate with multiple vendors.
  • We are official partners of many global fitness equipment brands including Body Solid, Nautilus, Water Rower, Schwinn Fitness, Steel Flex and Stair Master.
  • Our dynamic line of commercial fitness equipment, combined with our years of experience in setting up of commercial gyms will help you set up your gym at an optimal price point.
  • We have a vast network of service centers all over India, so wherever you are, our service centers will not be too far away from you!
  • Post setup, we will support you with Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC).

Sportsindeed commercial gym setup services include:

  • Supply of guaranteed state of the art Imported Commercial Fitness Equipment
  • Commercial gym build consulting that includes gym designs & layouts, business best practices and more
  • Helping you with planning of gym layout (CAD designs)
  • Supporting you with equipment maintenance guides for all fitness equipment
  • Maintenance training


CV Equipment - Package 1

  • Cosco 2500 Ac treadmill with TV
  • Cosco  Upright Cyle
  • Bowflex Spin Bike
  • Lifespan Upright Cyle
  • Fitness World Upright Cyle
Only Rs. 452000 (ex.VAT) 

CV Equipment - Package 2

  • AVON Elliptical Trainer
  • Probodyline Upright Cyle
  • Fitness World XBU
  •  Schwinn Recumbent  Cyle
  •  Lifespan Upright Cyle
Only Rs. 550000 (ex.VAT) 

CV Equipment - Package 3

  • Fitnress world Torndo Treadmill
  • Fitness Upright Cyle
  • Fitness World XBU
  • Fitness world Upright Cyle
  • Fitness World Upright Cyle
Only Rs. 750000 (ex.VAT) 

CV Equipment - Package 4

  • Cosco Elliptical Trainer
  • Cosco Upright Cyle
  • Bowflex XBU
  • Bowflex Spin Cyle
  •  LifespanUpright Cyle
Only Rs. 882000 (ex.VAT)